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Islam For All

In the name of Allah Most Beneficent Most Merciful

Islam for All

Who amongst you would not like to succeed in this life? In fact day in and day out we yearn for success of our own and those of our near and dear ones. For this purpose we set some goals and objectives in our lives and strive hard to achieve them. When we achieve them there is no limit to our happiness, we are overtaken and are almost submerged with joy. On the contrary if we fail to get the desired results of our struggle for happiness, for one reason or the other, we are aggrieved and agitated and, sometimes we put entire blame on God for the failure we encountered with.

Something to Ponder Over

If we give some serious thought for a while it becomes clear on its own that the standards we have had applied for the success in our lives have their own limitations as well as related to a particular time-space frame. Our lives do not end at the doors of death there is a life beyond. Barring some exceptions majority of men and women in this life have deep faith in rebirth and a life after death. Our entire efforts which have a limited span are directed towards making the present temporal life a success by acquiring material and worldly resources. What is in store for us after the death we never give serious thought to this question of utmost importance. We are obliged to strive not only for the success in this life only but beyond this, the life hereafter
Some people stress upon the importance of wealth and riches, some people clamour for power, some other want to have a status of authority, for others the wellbeing of their families is a sign of their success. There are some people to whom a sound health is everything. There are a lot of people who after achieving their desired objective eye upon some other goals. When they fail to achieve, they think they have failed in their lives and conveniently forget that they have achieved what they wanted earlier.

The Role of Religion

A human being has not descended upon this planet from somewhere. God has created him, then, who could know the objective of a human being and the yardsticks of the success or failure, other than Him? Here comes the role of religion. Religion is the medium of conveying the knowledge of truth to human beings. Along with religious rites and rituals guiding the mankind about all the faculties of life, providing guidance regarding the worldly aspects of life is the prime responsibility of religion. If a religion falls short of this attribute then such a religion is incomplete. All the religions and other ideologies while fulfilling this objective have presented before men and women the concept of redemption and salvation. Human history provides ample evidence in this regard, even as these concepts differ in one aspect or the form with each other, they could as well be ridden with paradoxes.


In the Hindu religion we notice both the concepts of rebirth and life after death they are contrary to each other. Vedic texts mention Heaven and Hell which give credence to the concept of life after death. At the same time there is mention of different life cycles (Awagaman). Accordingly the soul changes a number of body forms and after a number rebirths it is again reborn into the cycle of life (i.e. Awagamaniya form) ultimately it become one with the element of God and merges in His existence which is called salvation or Mukti
In the other religious book Shrimad Bhagwatgita a middle course is prescribed for the redemption or Mokhshprapti that of renunciation or asceticism or complete surrender of Swatwa for acquiring the ultimate truth. At another level it is advised that one should prescribe all the temporal desires while fulfilling the worldly obligations.
The concept of rebirth is not found in the Vedas. A close study suggests that there are only two Loks or the life cycles the present one and the hereafter (the life after death) it also becomes clear that attaining a higher status in the Parlok in essence is Mukti , while fulfilling his desires the man would also be able to enjoy happiness and will rejoice. In the Vedas we find very attractive description of the heaven. The Will of God will rule there. At the same time there are horrifying details of the hell. According to Vedas the success in the Parlok is the ultimate success and salvation.
Happiness and affection is found in Vartman Lok that is in the present life but when all the desires and longings are fulfilled at the very moment they come to mind, let me be awarded a place in that Amarlokऊ A prayer in the Rigveda (9/113/11)
According to Srimad Bhagwat Mahapuran Panchmaskandh
Hells are of 28 natures the sinner, the corruptor of the soul and the lire will go to hell (4/5/5 Yaju:40/3)

Boudhism (Dhamm)

The real Nirvana or salvation is subduing of one’s all kinds of longings and desires or make himself absolutely free. According to Mahatma Budh there is no material existence of Heaven and Hell. A man could by his good or evil deeds acquire the heaven or hell in this world itself. Gautam Budh was an agnostic he neither recognised nor denied the existence of God. According to his teachings, for the salvation of the man there is no need of any blessings of God or divine favours. He also denied the existence of soul, Atman. Accordingly Nirvana and salvation are confined to the limited span of worldly life. His teachings throw no light upon life after death. If the religious morality is based only upon the negation of the God then adherence to it could not last for a longer period, and the Boudh religion met the same fate.


According to Jain religion Atman is imprisoned in the human body and emancipation from this material body is the real salvation. For that purpose one should subject his material body to sufferings and misery to such an extent that the Atman ultimately attains freedom. It could also be achieved by rigorous prayer, Tapasya. Accordingly death by observing the hunger is considered most sublime and appreciating. The Jain religion does not grant the God as creator of the cosmos at the same time a Mukt Atman, freed soul, is credited with all the attributes of divinity. As a result each and every life could imbibe all the attributes of God. That gives credence to have faith in multiple gods or polytheism. Every Atman being in cohesion with the deeds, salvation of the human being implies the salvation of the soul.


According to Sikh religious thought becoming one with the God or merging within him is salvation. And for that purpose sacrificing the worldly desires and luxuries is not necessary, repentance is also not required. What is required is having faith in God, and leading an honest life with contemplation and meditation. Sikh religion advocates monotheism.
The one who meditates and contemplates, will obtain Mokhsh or redemption and such human beings will get freedom from cycles of life and death. ( Guru Granth Sahib: 11)


Christianity also advocates monotheism but the concept is not expounded fully. Jesus Christ is revered as both god and son of god at the same time. He is also regarded as the blessed spirit. According to Christian traditions salvation in essence is getting absolved from the sins. Men are congenitally sinful for obtaining freedom from this state one must professing belief in Jesus Christ. According to Christen belief Jesus Christ, the son of god by mounting the cross two thousand years ago sacrificed his life and washed away all the sins of whole mankind. For the same reason the only way of getting freedom from sins and material life is to put faith in Jesus Christ. There is no reference about the salvation of human beings before the coming of Jesus Christ. Also it is not clear that if a person, even while practicing the faith, is also indulged in evil deeds, will such a person be qualified for salvation?


It is unequivocally declared by adherents of this religion that they are the supreme race chosen by God. They enjoy a special relationship with the God. Whoever is born as a Jew is assured of salvation and redemption by birth. The hell is not meant for the Jews it for the other lesser humans, not a single follower of Judaism will go to hell, and this belief is uninterruptedly being carried out for the last three thousand and five hundred years. The same question arises in this regard also. If salvation is granted only to such persons who have born in an exclusive race then what about those who are born in other races?


Islamic thought suggests that the concept of Mukti must be simple, convenient, easily practicable, reasonable and transparent. For that matter there is no need to abandon this world or opting Sanyas for achieving Mukti and Mokhsh. Likewise subjecting ones material body to torture and sufferings is also out of question. Humanistic desires are not to be negated or suppressed, they must be just controlled.
According to Islam all human beings are equal by birth. Equality is a consequence of Islam. Islam does not accept the division of mankind on the basis of low or high standards. Being a perfect and complete way of life, each and every problem which a human being could face in this world and in the life after death are addressed. Islam provides the guidance for a successful life in both the worlds, the biography of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is a living example. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) translated in practice the success in both the worlds.
Islam rejects the concept of Awagamaniya cycle of rebirth in Toto. It considers the concept unbelievable hence unnatural. According to Islamic teachings obtaining Mokhsh (redemption) and Mukti (salvation) is possible for each and every individual, let him belong to any nation, country, caste, creed and any race, in all the ages. The only condition that applies for this purpose is that he she must lead the life according to the guidance ordained by the God. The concepts of mokhsh and mukti could well be understood by following indicators.

1. This life does not end at the doors of death instead actual and eternal life begins after death only.
2. The one and only God is the creator and the sustainer of this universe and He alone is behind the prevailing order in the universe. Therefore He alone is to be worshipped, honored, revered and obeyed. Having created the human being He alone knows what is better for the humans and what is harmful. No other entity or man possesses this knowledge.
3. For the smooth and perfect functioning of the affairs of this universe, and in perfect coordination, the God has revealed a comprehensive system. The human being is obliged to raise a whole new society modeled upon the lofty principle of this system. He is also obliged to lead his personal life in accordance with the same guiding principles. From the very emergence of the mankind God has kept imparting the knowledge of this way of life to the mankind across the globe, whichever nation they might belong to and whatever language they could speak through His angels.
4. After the doomsday the God will raise the entire mankind again and each and every individual will be held accountable, as to whether he led his life by abiding the commands of God? Did he spend his life by submitting to and worshiping the one and only God? Likewise did he prostrate before the only God or bowed his head before His creations?
5. On that day those who would stand successful God will award with salvation and paradise and those who would have failed will be sent to the hell. The life after the death being infinite and eternal, the fruits of success and failure will also be infinite and eternal.
6. On that day the man would realize the fact that success in the life after death is the reality that could be achieved only by accepting truth of God, His Angels and revealed books.
The remains of the previously revealed books are still available. But not a single book is present in its pristine purity. A fact which cannot be denied is that humans have corrupted them and have them subjected to changes and so the original teachings in them are extinct.
Holy Quran is the only secure and divine religious book available today in its pristine purity which presents original true and basic teachings for the human society. After a period of 1450 years its being secured and in the original form is in itself an ample evidence of its superiority.
After all this discussion we reach the conclusion that Islam is the only way. All the other ideologies are manmade and have no relation with the God. By confining the God within rituals and prayer of some sort man has committed a blunder. The chaos and disorder that we see across is only because of this reason. And for this reason only man has gone adrift from success and salvation.
Dear Brothers & Sisters, it is our earnest desire that you study the Islam on your own with an open mind purity of spirit. In Islam there is the solution for all the problems a man is facing today. While making an attempt to understand Islam you will experience that it is the call of your inner Soul as well as you will gain confidence that there is no other way towards success and of Mukti other than Islam.

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